Fan Art & Download Updates

Fan Art, News

First off, we have a lovely bit of fan art by MajoBunny added to the Fandom page. Foren was making Ian a birthday cake and Wynd decided to grab it and run. I’m…sure she’ll share it. Some of it, at least.

Secondly, the download links for Drogune: First Pass and Drogune: Outlaw have been updated to the new BumbleKomics Shop store. They remain free, and now have the option to pay-what-you-want if you’d like to support Drogune and its future endeavors.

Updates for April 2024


We’ve been quiet – because we’ve been busy!

First off, we have two new pieces of fan art by Kiimera_Nova over on the Fandom page!

Second, patrons can get a sneak peek at a page from Book One along with a sneak peek at the in-progress script for Book Two!

Ideally, we’ll be able to roll from production of one right into the other, and that becomes easier with your support.

Hopefully we’ll have more to share with your soon!

Progress Report!


First, our Fandom page grows with a new piece by Kiimera_Nova! Thanks to them and everyone who shows the characters love.

Second, the script for Book One is complete! Patrons get a sneak peek of the opening pages over on the Patreon.

So, third, we’re now approaching production. Adam is hard at work, finding time within the mercurial schedule of a freelancer, while I get our funding in order. We’re also eyeing one more publication option, but we’ll talk more about that should it bear fruit.

July Update


Unfortunately our very aggressive summer schedule proved too aggressive. We’ve had to reassess what we can do and how quickly, which has pushed back our time table to…a frustratingly nebulous state. However, our patrons are currently enjoying a sneak-peek of what could’ve been with an annotated version of our last major milestone. I like to call it “Drogune 3.0.” Hopefully that can tide them over until “Drogune 4.0” is finally up and running. Thanks as always for your patience and support.



We’ve been busy!

First off, fans of the original run of Drogune can return to Fortune’s Lap once more with a free digital trade that collects all 60+ pages! You can download it here.

Secondly, we’ve spruced up the site here and there to help folks understand just what Drogune is and why we’re so passionate about it. Have a look around!

We’re hoping to kick things off this summer. In the meanwhile keep an eye on our Twitter, and subscribe to Adam’s Twitch channel to catch him doing design work!

Drogune in 2023


A new year brings a new direction for Drogune. Adam and I are working hard to build things up towards our next big push to get this sucker to see the light of day.

To that end we’re restructuring the website to be more focused and news oriented. It’s a work in progress, but you’ll be able to download the original run as a digital comic in the near future, as well as the manga-like Drogune: Outlaw.

Our ever-loyal patrons are patiently waiting with their contributions preemptively supporting our plans for the year.

Thanks for sticking with us, and we’ll have more news soon!
– Ian