Ian Flynn
Series Creator • Writer
Ian has written for comic books, videogames and television. He’s best known for his work in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
“I’ve enjoyed a long career working on licensed material and relished the chance to play in the toybox of so many franchises I grew up on. That said, I don’t want my legacy to be built entirely on other people’s work. Drogune is something I can call my own. My own universe with countless places, characters and events to explore. Adam’s vision for how all of this looks gets me excited about it all over again. The ways he brings the various species and fantastical worlds to life is captivating. I can get lost in its mythos for days, and I want everyone else to experience it too.”
Website: www.BumbleKing.com
Twiter: @IanFlynnBKC
BlueSky: @IanFlynnBKC
Email: BKC.Contact@yahoo.com
Adam Bryce Thomas
Visual Director • Artist
Adam is a rising star in the comic industry best known for his work on Sonic the Hedgehog and Samurai Jack.
“Building a series like Drogune with Ian is an honor – and an opportunity – to me. Our work with Sonic and other franchises has given me a powerful work ethic and dedication to quality that I want to direct at something special and personal, something we can truly call our own. I want to take all of the passion and life I’ve poured into those stories, and use it to craft a universe that Ian and I can go full throttle with. One full of wild action, thoughtful, emotional substance, and a lived-in, fantastic setting. Drogune will bear the seinen maturity and shounen action that inspires me to carve thousands of lines into a page.”
Website: Adam’s Patreon
Twitter: @AdamBryceThomas
BlueSky: @AdamBryceThomas